Saturday, July 31, 2010
AOTNZ tour Whakatane
Friday, July 30, 2010
AOTNZ tour Hastings
Had the NOMS at a park in Woodville. Nice band rotunda. We've seen a few on our trip. How bout a tour of NZ band rotundas? Must explore. Set up at Hawkes Bay Opera House - not the main Theatre but an alternative called the Assembly Room - wonderful old Art Deco room - very reverberant. Turns out not half as bad when it's full of people.
Full house tonight About 250 keen folk....they got all the jokes and had a great time. The act is getting very sharp and the repertoire has nearly settled. Gave 'Concrete Block Motel' another outing and I think it'll be OK. Off to Whakatane tomorrow.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
AOTNZ tour New Plymouth
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
AOTNZ tour Opunake & Hawera
Monday, July 26, 2010
AOTNZ tour Dunedin
AOTNZ tour Fairlie
Friday, July 23, 2010
AOTNZ tour Waimate
AOTNZ tour Gore
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
AOTNZ tour Roxburgh
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
AOTNZ tour Wanaka
AOTNZ tour Bannockburn
Saturday, July 17, 2010
AOTNZ tour Okarito
Thursday, July 15, 2010
AOTNZ Greymouth
Big day yesterday for the tourists. Stopped at Punakaiki and oo-ed and ah-ed at the rock formations etc. Very warm. Diverted to Blackball....cold & foggy - this is more like it. Had a pint of Miner's Dark in the (formerly) Blackball Hilton and went to the famous sausage shop. Bought a salami and were given a freshly cooked black pudding, which we had sliced on the NO Memorial Sandwiches we made at the skate park. Got to Frank's in Greymouth about 4.00 and set up. Nel had her Tibetan Chef whip up some pork & spinach dumplings to see us through till after the gig.....brilliant. The cafe was packed and the show went well. It's all falling into place.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
AOTNZ tour Westport
Westport last night. Fabulous new venue called the NBS Theatre. Seats about 400 and we must have had 50 at the most but it felt great anyway. Fantastic acoustics and effective lighting. Excellent crowd including an old mate from Wanganui I haven't seen in years. Debbie the manager was terrific and sold CDs for us. I feel that the repertoire is at last falling into a logical sequence, and we included the debut performance of 'Let's have Friends Around for Dinner'. Forgot the words of course but the punters laughed at that as well. Inspired by our detour to Denniston a couple of days ago Terry bought 'The Denniston Rose' (Illustrated) and the sequel all-in-one and is right in the thick of it. Now he wants to go work in the mines. Apparently we are in for a big night at Frank's Cafe in Greymouth.....plenty booked and the town is on tenterhooks awaiting our triumphant arrival. I may be getting a bit carried away. I wonder if the interest they say they are experiencing is due to our having played there before? Still beautiful weather....apparently Central Otago is like Antarctica at the moment - we will find out on Saturday.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
AOTNZ tour Karamea
Monday, July 12, 2010
AOTNZ tour Reefton
Sunday, July 11, 2010
AOTNZ tour Mussel Inn
Long drive from Rangiora to Onekaka in Golden Bay but a beautiful day. Stopped on the side of the road at Murchison to make a sandwich, which contained, amongst other things, some Nils Olsen Memorial Gherkins. Nils was most particular about his gherkins on our last AOTNZ tour two years ago. Sunny but deceptively cold and we were back in the van after half an hour. Also stopped for a cuppa at Terry's brother Ian's home in Motueka,. Said g'day to Ian's old dog Robber, who is 114 in human years. His front legs go faster than his back ones so he rolls down the steps rather than walking. Apparently possessing an active libido as a youngster, Robber was once caught 'in flagrante delicto' with a sheep on a visit to Great Barrier Island. Touring can be exhausting but educational. The Mussel Inn was packed and we did an extra set because we love it so much. Still probably the best venue in the country. Delighted to see Julian & Sally Manning from Pete Findlay's old gang there, also Philip Woolaston whose winery we played at a few years ago, also the venue for a brilliant Emma Pask concert there last January. Realised kind of late this morning that our gig in Reefton today is at 3.00pm. Should be there by 2.00 if we're lucky. Last time we played there the crowd numbered about 6, all related to Terry - we're hoping to build on that.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
AOTNZ tour Rangiora
Thursday, July 8, 2010
AOTNZ tour Methven
Old Adventures
- AOTNZ tour Whakatane
- AOTNZ tour Hastings
- AOTNZ tour New Plymouth
- AOTNZ tour Opunake & Hawera
- AOTNZ tour Dunedin
- AOTNZ tour Fairlie
- AOTNZ tour Waimate
- AOTNZ tour Gore
- AOTNZ tour Roxburgh
- AOTNZ tour Wanaka
- AOTNZ tour Bannockburn
- AOTNZ tour Okarito
- AOTNZ Greymouth
- AOTNZ tour Westport
- AOTNZ tour Karamea
- AOTNZ tour Reefton
- AOTNZ tour Mussel Inn
- AOTNZ tour Rangiora
- AOTNZ tour Methven